Friday, February 21, 2014


I cannot believe the Olympics are almost over. It feels like the only events that are ever on TV are ice skating and more ice skating. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love watching competitive events, however I find myself hoping for a spill - is that wrong? Whoops.

However, with the hockey fanatics in my boys, we are so excited for today's USA vs. Canada semifinal hockey game. How cool would it be to beat the country who basically invented the game? Reminds me of the 1980 "Miracle" team who defeated Russia and ended up winning the gold.


Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Holy Cow, It's Freezing.


There, I said it. I'm sorry. I'm from NY and I just do not think this is fair. We get it, it's winter. It's supposed to be cold! But when it comes down to the instant facial freeze when you walk outside, we've got problems.

In my twenty-some-odd years of living, I've never had a "cold" snow day.. okay maybe 1 or 2. The boys have had 3 this year alone! Mother Nature is playing some sort of sick joke and the punchline is us.

Sorry, there's my little rant. Happy Hump Day everyone!